Committed to care

Navigating the reimbursement process for Aquadex can be simplified with the right support. Our team is dedicated to helping you understand and appropriately code your reimbursement options for this advanced fluid management therapy.

Outpatient Ultrafiltration for Fluid Overload

A cost-effective approach to fluid management for patients and providers

Maximize the economic impact

The SmartFlow® System has demonstrated economic benefits by reducing heart failure admissions and readmissions, and shortening the average length of stay, which can lead to substantial cost savings.1 2025 reimbursement changes further enhance it economic viability.

  • Code Reassignment
    From APC 5241 to higher-paying APC 5242 for outpatient Aquadex services.
  • Cost Savings
    Lowers healthcare costs while maintaining quality care.2
  • Improved Patient Experience
    Provides treatment in scheduled, more comfortable settings.

Explore Patient Pathways

Discover the benefits of outpatient care with Aquadex therapy as an alternative to traditional inpatient diuretic treatments. Our side-by-side comparison highlights the advantages of Aquadex in managing fluid overload with fewer hospital stays, providing a direct route to improved patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Discover the Outpatient Advantage

Our case studies reveal the transformative effects Aquadex therapy can have in outpatient settings, emphasizing its clinical efficacy and economic advantages.

Learn how transitioning to Aquadex can lead to significant improvements in patient management and substantial reductions in healthcare costs.

CASE STUDY: The Christ Hospital Health Network3

A prospective, single-center study of 23 patients treated with the Aquadex FlexFlow® System to manage heart failure (HF) related fluid overload in an outpatient setting


Read the study >

CASE STUDY: The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, OH4

A retrospective, single-center analysis of 14 patients treated with the Aquadex FlexFlow® System to manage heart failure (HF) patients in an outpatient setting in order to avoid hospital admissions


Download the results >


Outpatient UF can be performed successfully with a favorable safety profile in appropriately-selected patients while providing adequate treatment for mild to moderate ADHF.


“We believe the use of outpatient UF may reduce the number of unplanned admissions for this high-risk population.” — Dr. Sitaramesh Emani, The Christ Hospital

Reach out today to get started

Reimbursement Quick Reference Guide

Aquadex® Reimbursement Code is: 0692T

0692T can be used to report the Aquadex procedure in all settings of care

Download Now


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Nuwellis Customer Service
Phone: 1-855-786-2778
The service is available Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 5:00pm CST
